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Awards and Commendations: 
Uplift Award Winner—Geelong Pride Film Festival, Best Documentary Winner—ReelQ Pittsburgh, Best Documentary Honorable Mention—OUTShine LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Best Documentary Honorable Mention—University Film and Video Association Conference 2023, Best Documentary nominee—Merlinka International Queer Film Festival, Festival Director’s Pick—Queerscreen Sydney Mardi Gras Film Festival, Festival Favorite—Cinema Diverse Palm Springs LGBTQ+ Film Festival.

Festival Acceptances/Screenings to Date: 
39 Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival Ljubljana, Slovenia  December 2023, Pink Screens Film Festival—Brussels, Belgium, November 2023, Visible Evidence XXIXUdine, IT, September 2023, prism/aGLIFF Austin Kink Weekend—Austin, TX, April 2023, Geelong Pride Film Festival—Geelong, AU, April 2023, Merlinka International Queer Film Festival—Belgrade, RS, December 2022, Byron Bay International Film Festival—Byron Bay, AU, October 2022, Mix Copenhagen—Copenhagen, DK, October 2022, Reel Q Pittsburgh—Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2022, Reel Affirmations—Washington, D.C., October, 2022, Out on Film—Atlanta, GA, October, 2022, ImageOut: Rochester LGBT Film FestivalRochester, NY, October, 2022, Reeling Chicago—Chicago, IL, September 2022, GAZE LGBTQ+ International Film Festival—Dublin, IE, September 2022, Queer Lisboa – Panorama Selection—Lisbon, Portugal September 2022, Cinema Diverse Palm Springs LGBTQ+ Film Festival—Palm Springs, CA, September 2022, Mimesis Documentary Festival—Boulder, CO, August 2022, OUTSOUTH Queer Film Festival—Durham, NC, August, 2022, Outfest—Los Angeles, CA, July 2022, rioLGBTQIA+ Festival de Cinema—Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2022, Fairy Tales Queer Film Festival—Calgary, Canada, June 2022, OUTShine LGBTQ+ Film Festival—Miami, FL, April 2022, Arizona International Film Festival—Tucson, AZ, April 2022, BFI FLARE London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival—London, UK, March 2022, Queerscreen Sydney Mardi Grad Film Festival—Sydney, AU, March 2022, Santa Fe Film Festival—Santa Fe, NM, February 2022

What people are saying about Manscaping:
Anyone who has entered the highly masculinised environment of a barbershop knows that it can be an intimidating space. This is doubly true for queer and gender non-conforming people, and triply so if you’re from a racialised background. Enter three individuals tackling the problem head on. Devan Shimoyama is an Afrofuturist painter who focuses on the barbershop as a social space, Jessie Anderson runs a queer barbershop in Vancouver, and Australian Richard Savvy gets his kit off as The Naked Barber. All three speak with warmth and candour about their attempts to make people look and feel good, and how the simple act of getting a cut is so much more than the sum of its parts. –Jay Bernard, Programmer BFI Flare

Manscaping succeeds because it introduces so many elements of the LGBTQ+ experience through a single vantage point. Racism, sexism, economic disadvantage, the struggle for self-love and acceptance are explored via hair without lecturing or condescension. The three voices smartly manage to express listening, which is what fifty percent of talking should be. –Andrew Hebden, Queerguru

In the process of combing through the insights his three subjects offer around grooming, body hair, gender identity, and gender presentation, Fox’s film uncovers some poignant — and even startling — revelations about social roles, common spaces, and the breadth and depth of masculinity. -Kilian Melloy, Edge Media Network

The relationship between grooming and masculinity gets tweezed out in Broderick Fox’s documentary, Manscaping, that follows three queer men redefining the traditionally hyper-masculine space of the barbershop. -Chad Armstrong, The Queer Review

With a shared resolve in detoxifying the masculinity of barber shops, this entertaining documentary champions the power of social inclusion and personal freedom. –QueerScreen Mardi Gras Film Festival, Sydney AU

Select Press Coverage:
Queerguru’s shaven head Contributing Editor Andrew Hebden reviews MANSCAPING: an intimate story about mens hair by Andrew Hebden, Queerguru

With Manscaping Doc Filmmaker Broderick Fox Looks Beyond Grooming by Kilian Melloy, Edge Media

Broderick Fox talks about MANSCAPING his doc about three queer men who are reimagining the traditional barbershop by Roger Walker-Dack, Queerguru

Reel Affirmations Review: Manscaping ★★★★★, CRITIC’S PICK by Rhuiardh Marr, Metro Weekly

Director’s Cut by Dick Anderson, Occidental Magazine

Out On Film Festival Reviews, by Steve Warren, The Georgia Voice

Mimesis Documentary Festival — MANSCAPING by Michael J Casey, Michael J. Cinema Festival Reviews

Instagram Live with Calgary Fairy Tales Festival Director Marissa Cupples, Programmer Brett Willes, and Manscaping director Broderick Fox, Calgary Queer Arts Society, June 2, 2022

Broderick Fox Interview: Manscaping and Queering the Barbershop, by Paul Salt, Screen Mayhem

Manscaping is BFI Flare Top Pick (16:40 mark) by Paul Salt, Jen & the Film Critic

Mardi Gras Film Festival 2022 Film Review: Manscaping ★★★1/2 by Chad Armstrong, The Queer Review

Manscaping – Live Q&A with the team, with Queerscreen Sydney Mardi Gras Film Festival Director Lisa Rose

Queerguru’s pick of MUST SEE MOVIES @ Atlanta’s OUT ON FILM Fest, Queerguru

Out on Film Talks to director Broderick Fox of “Manscaping”, Out on Film

Queerguru’s MUST SEE MOVIES @ Outfest Film in LA, Queerguru

Queerguru’s TOP PICKS OF MUST-SEE FILMS at Miami’s Outshine LGBTQ+ Film Festival, Queerguru

New Gay Films & More – OutShine Film Festival, Victor Yates

ImageOut 2022 Talkback – MANSCAPING with director Broderick Fox and Image Out Rochester Programmer Michael Gamilla, Image Out Film Festival


MOVIES 2022 Reeling Film Festival reviews, by Steve Warren, Windy City Times

Queer Lisboa ’22 | Manscaping, under analysis, Magazine HD

Manscaping– 2022 Reeling Film Festival, by Dan Pal, Chicago Indie Critics

Manscaping to screen at Mardi Gras Film Festival Australian Arts Review, Australian Pride Network

5 Must-Sees At The Mardi Gras Film Festival City Hub

A Fall Full of Film, by Roger Ferland, The Chicago Reader

Not Thinking Straight with Michael Mac – Oct. 26 Episode, by Michael MacDonald, Byron Bay FM 9.9 FM

Byron Bay Film Festival crashes onto the scene once again, by Silvi Vann-Wall, Screen Hub

The Rio LGBTQIA+ 2022 Film Festival Features 86 Films From 20 Countries, And The New Sci-Fi Short Film Program, Brazilian Association of Cinematography

Outfest reveals full lineup for 40th anniversary festival July 14-24th The Queer Review

BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival 2022 Announces Lineup by I. Faleye, Vimooz

Exploring the Queer Frontier at the 2022 Mardi Gras Film Festival by Brandon Bear, Sydney Sentinel

Mardi Gras Film Festival Time Out Sydney

MANSCAPING: An Afrofuturist, a naked fetishist, and a community activist walk into a barbershop…, by Brian Peel, The Aussie Word

Reel Affirmations offers array of films celebrating LGBTQ stories by Margaret A. Scala, The Washington Blade

I Will Not Be Like Samson (Neću da budem kao Samson) by Milan Živanović, XXZ Portal

Filmmaker Broderick Fox with Manscaping participant Devan Shimoyama in his Pittsburgh studio.